Why do people insist on lying to me?
I always find out, but you think I don't see.
If we are such good friends, is it so hard to act like it?
I find out that what you tell them and me is nothing more than sh*t.
If I sound angry, maybe it's because I am.
I thought you were a real friend; one that gave a d*mn.
Everyone is only out for themselves.
I learned that long ago, but tried again, was only fooling myself.
You tell me to trust you with my deepest secrets.
I am glad I never did, I would have another regret.
I never said I wanted to be such good friends;
It was you idea; why say it, if you're going to lie in the end.
I'll keep what I found out, quietly in my brain,
Waiting for the day I snap, from bearing too much pain.
Til then, I'll smile, talk to you, act like it's all OK.
But hey, I can lie as good as you; you'll find out one day.
I am so truthful and loyal, until your lies I find out.
That's when I start my lying bout.
Why must people provoke me, is there an invisible sign?
One that says "Lie to her, she enjoys it" in bright letters over her eyes.
Has there been anyone who hasn't lied?
I try thinking of one, but can't, and sitting here I sigh.
I have been told lies in one form or another -
By parents and "friends, by associates and lovers.
Why do I try when it's only me who looks out for my well being.
I can only depend on me is what I am clearly seeing.
In a way I am not really all that surprised.
You like to fit your needs, when something better has arrived.
Should I give up? Or is there really a light at the end of the tunnel?
Cause right now my head is spinning as if it were in a funnel.
If you read this, does this poem hit home?
Are you one of those who know me, and your true colors have shone?
I am sure one person may think it's only about him,
But it's not - there is one person who hasn't lied to me yet.
That is only because we have just met!

(c) copyright 8/31/05 Melia Teka
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