My life seems so empty, nothing to offer, nothing to gain;
The same monotonous life, living it day to day.
What am I longing for?
Does my future hold anything in store?
Feeling so anxious and restless; this grates on the nerves.
Am I feeling so empty cause it's what I deserve?
Am I longing for him, the man of my dreams?
Am I longing for that caress of passion that will last an eternity?
Or is it a longing to travel; explore new places, none have seen?
What am I longing for? What will ease this growing need?
What is this constant ache of longing that engulfs my entire being?
Is there something in front of my eyes that keeps me from seeing?
Will the emptiness grow until there is nothing left?
Or will this wretched creature be spared and the longing - met?
What is meant for me?
What's so special about life that I can't see?
I know I should be grateful for all that I've got,
But this deep set anguish has been nagging at me non-stop.
I would gladly give up everything if I found but I've been longing for.
But, I don't know what it is, though it's probably seeping from my every pore.
I've become so withdrawn since this pain hath began;
Being nothing more then a cold, empty shell of what used to be human.
What will get me to smile, and laugh the way I used to?
Or is this it? I am to far gone, no matter what anyone would do.
What is this craving for something that I can't shake?
So many others seem so content; and it makes my heart break.
Are they just living a lie?
Are they miserable inside?
I wish I could lie to the world like that,
But the pain is so great, even that good, I can't act.
Maybe one day I'll find the pity of the fates..
Thought I know it'll be already after it's too late....

(c) copyright 2/10/06 Melia Teka
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