Moonlight Kiss
His ice blue eyes glitter like stars in the blackest sky.
They water her watch him with a look of awe,
Long shiny black hair falls over this shoulder, down his back;
She desires to touch it, and takes a step forward, as she is drawn.

His pale skin calls out to her, with a lovers' intensity;
She's scared of this attraction, but wants him all the same.
His long slender fingers hang down at his side,
How she thinks of them, brings a blush to her cheeks in shame.

The moonlight illuminates his face which resembles a fallen angel;
A tear forms in her eyes, such beauty seems unreal.
He silently makes his way toward her, and hears her heart quicken;
This one, he thinks, will be much more than a meal.

He reads her thoughts, wants to weep at her innocence;
Could she save him from being eternally lonely?
Or would she run screaming when he told her his story?
He would relish in delight if she became his one and only.

He makes his way to where she stands;
Doesn't say a word, her look says it all.
She knows his intention and accepts that completely;
Tilts her head to the side and waits for the fall.

(c) 6/13/08 Melia Teka
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