Not What You May Think
The four hours of your time,
I do cherish every night,
Engulfs every inch of my body and mind.
Just can't seem to get enough of you,
Many more hours I am sure I can pull through.
The way you sneak up when I least expect it.
The way I get numb when I am overtaken.
When I don't get enough of, how I start shakin'.
What I wouldn't give for a full night,
So in the morning I feel sated and alive.
For me you're the worst addiction I have ever had to face.
I am glad you usually wait to attack til we are in the proper place.
I know there will come a time when I can have you forever;
When it comes I will embrace it for worse or for better.
You take me for who I am, not hiding any thoughts,
When in pain, you comfort me better then any medicine I bought.
You ask for nothing in return, for which I am grateful;
Always there when I have a physical, mental, or emotional plate full.
Again I thank you, from somewhere down deep,
I will meet with you now, my dear love called sleep.

(c) copyright 9/25/05 Melia Teka
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