Numbing Cold
The trees, the grass looks dead this time of year,
The low gloomy clouds, and the bone chilling wind that is meant to sear.
Her hearts' coldness rivals that of the below zero temperatures outside.
All she wants to do it sit in her room and hide.
So sad, cold, and alone; is how she is meant to live;
When she finds momentary happiness, she happily gives.
'What is she doing wrong?' in between the tears she asks herself;
She asks this so often, now that the final blow was dealt.
Looking back, she wonders if the love she gave was so scary;
To love as she has loved; then to have it ripped away has left her weary.
She must be some kind of monster to have this keep happening;
To go from completely fulfilled to empty is nothing but maddening.
This last time the pain - sharper then a blade -
Cut deep in her gut then twisted and sliced until her light began to fade.
Love; isn't worth the pain and eventual sorrow is also brings.
Some might argue - if you find the right one, your heart soars and sings.
Even if it lasts; death has a funny way of taking your love away.
So you cry and mourn and it seems you can't get through another day.
To her it's not worth it; she is meant to live her life in solitude.
Why can't her heart and soul take on this same attitude?
It sickens her when people seem to have the perfect life,
Then mess* it up by cheating on each other; how this angers her inside.
She curses those - to never be content and to always feel alone.
To ruin what they have just to give into these urges, through this peoples true nature is shone.
Getting back on her original rants and ravings -
She's got to get her heart hardened and lodge away her cravings.
As her head is in her hands she vows this will never happen again;
Instead of being in love, she'd rather die alone in the end.

* The use of a different four letter word was originally used here, but had to be changed due
to this site.

(c) copyright 2/21/06 Melia Teka
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