Of You, I Wonder
Thinking back of the time we spent together,
Remembering how you said 'we'd be friends forever'.
Haven't talked to you in quite a few years;
Wonder if you've forgotten me; a compelling fear.
I sit here smiling, thinking of everything we did
Of all the trouble, you got me in.
I never regretted one moment of any of it,
Except for that last time I saw you and told you to leave.
Deep down I know you had to, but to this day I still grieve.
Have you found your true love, settled down to raise a family?
Or are you the same as before, and only pretending to live happily?
Also wonder about your son, he must be almost a teen by now.
Amazing; time, the older you get the quicker it goes, always wondered how.
You were the only one who I felt I could talk to.
Never felt that way again since you.
I miss you so much, the way you talked and treated me.
To know you always acted "real" not just how I wished you to be.
With all your faults, actions, tears, and emotions.
I believe at that time you really loved me; my own silly notion.
Just know I am am thinking of you, I will always care,
I will always love you, yours forever; "Lissa Bear".

(c) 7/6/07 Lissa Teka
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