Present Thoughts
Why do I feel so bad and hurt inside?
It seems when some good comes, the bads not far behind.
I have no reason to want to cry.
You tell me you love me, but somethings not right.
I feel as though I am intruding on your life.
The dreams I have of becoming your wife;
To take away the pain, grief, and strife.
I don't think you understand that I love you for you;
The things you say, the things you do.
I know you had a tragic past, and were hurt many times too.
I dont care if you aren't wealthy, you're rich in heart - understood?
Time will show I am different from most other women who you knew.
I know I try too hard sometimes, but always thought trying was good.
You just told me I should be happy, maybe one day I could,
But knowing that I can't do, for you, anything,
Hurts in ways that cant be explained by rhyming or singing.
Let me bear the burdens, make me feel useful - please?
You want to start picking you life up; which seems smart to me.
But since you just started recently,
Please don't try to do it all at once, which makes me uneasy,
Because you don't want to burn out, not something that you need.
A tear escapes and falls on these words;
The ink runs, drips and is now blurred.
We have both been hurt and burned.
For me it's about something I will never learn,
But I'd never hurt you, that would be absurd.
Even before I met you, for you I have yearned.
When you hear me say 'I love you', I hope you have really heard.
The deep feeling inside; the truth I try to send
With each word of love and devotion, in which I tell you again,
I want to be your lover, your confidant, and your best friend.
When you say I might be 'The One' I get a fluttering in my heart and head,
But when I hear your doubt, you know I then defend.
Everyone has doubts, I know this, but it hurts, I won't pretend.
I am rather confused though, I feel I'm going to get hurt again.
You came out of the blue, as though you washed up on shore.
I always said good men are a myth, but you seem so much more then a lore.
If you hurt me I know it will hurt more then anything before.
Actually take all my past hurts, and add a 1000 more.
I'm walking into this with arms open, have opened a new door.
I have been happy so far, on your love I have gorged.
You have given me hope anew, you R the man I adore.

(c) copyright 9/7/05 Melia Teka

**In the last line there is not a typo, it can be taken in a few different ways, though I will not elaborate any more then that**   ;)
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