To be in your arms, hearing you say things I have longed to hear,
Is something I need in my life, it\rquote s always been so clear.
I try to fight this feeling of \lquote need\rquote , and live my life alone,
But each day it gets harder and harder, when all is said and done.
I close my eyes and imagine a life, where I have someone by my side.
When I open my eyes, the pain is there, not something I can easily hide.
Too scared to be involved, been hurt too many times;
I know I am meant to be alone, just wish my heart and soul would realize.
Why am I such the dreamer, when none of it will come true,
This yearning to be loved, pushes me deeper in solitude.
Every time I get involved, I don\rquote t believe I ask for much;
Just respect, love, loyalty, honesty, and such.
I do not need material things to make me the least bit happy,
I just relish in words from the heart; God, this sounds so sappy.
To be held close, for the passion and desire to be there,
To be together in life, in all things we would share.
As I said before it\rquote s nothing but a dream,
I will just live and die alone, as it was meant to be.

(c) 3/20/2006 Lissa
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