I often think how different my life would be,
If I was born seconds late, or seconds early.
Would we have ever met? Or just passed on by?
Continuing to feel lonely and broken, until we die.
Would we have been destined for each other as we are now?
Or would we have been bitter enemies, smiting one another down?
Of never experiencing the calmness and joy my soul has found.
Knowing mere seconds could have changed life so much;
Though maybe our souls would have still found a way to touch.
Too many 'what ifs' going through my head;
See how I manage to make my fears well fed?
If I was born early, would I be the woman you've come to love?
Who went through what I did, and turned out to be who I've become.
I know I usually write more then what you see here,
But I've made my point early, and made it very clear.

(c) copyright 9/13/05 Melia Teka
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