Secret Message
I have something I want to share with the world.
Letting everyone know that I am your girl.
Only problem is, I don't want to jinx what we got;
Voicing these thoughts of you in my head, is quite a lot.
Entranced in my thoughts, with a smile on my face;
You have come into my life, so perfectly fit - right into place.
One would think it was a coincidence, others - destiny or fate;
Ultimately, I believe - fate; a coincidence would have been far too great.
Right now while writing I am thinking so deeply of you.
One would say, "if you're writing about himl you're thinking of him too."
Surely, but my thoughts run deeper then these hasty written words.
Simplified words; wishing my complex throughts could be heard.
Anyone who reads this will think my message is plain to see;
Little do they know, there really is a secret message hidden beneath.
Wandering if you will even get it; I really hope you do,
And know - if you get it - the words are nothing but true.
You know I like to say things with multiple subtle meanings;
Sincerely this message has but one - no message double teaming.
As always I got completely off track.
Now, where was I... ahhhh yes, OK, now I am back.
During the days I think of you and during the nights, of you I dream.
Frankly, I can't get enough of you, or so it seems.
Originally, I wasn't looking for anyone to share my life.
Really believing alone I would be, and alone I would die.
Expecting nothing to come from out initial meet,
Very much surprised at where we have come to be.
Every thought I have is of us always being together;
Reply with the secret message here "________________________________________"

(c) copyright 12/18/05 Melia Teka

*****NOTE: To adjust the size of the font ao you might be able to figure out the message, hold down the CTRL key while using the scroller on your mouse to adjust the size*****
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