What am I looking for? What am I seeking?
Someone who loves me wholly; completely.
I've written about this before;
But I feel like writing about this some more.
These thoughts are what's on my mind tonight;
Here are the basics in which my soul mate resides.

**Loyalty - someone who WON'T cheat, who'll stick with me through thick and thin.
**Honesty - someone who will tell me the truth when I ask a question.
**Trust - I don't know how to make this one any more clear.
**Passionate -  Read my poem "Fantasy" that will explain what I can't write here.
**Caring - If I am sick or upset would you be there by my side?
**Loving - Holding hands, cuddling, so many little things say love is implied.
**Patience - Please be patient with me, sometimes it might not be easy.
**Devoted - Similar to being loyal - no cheating - complete monogamy.
**Friend - Someone I can be best friends with, and tell them all my secrets.
**Respect - Someone who respects me and my wishes without any regret.

These ten things may seem like a lot,
But they are what's needed for every lasting relationship; are they not?
Is this asking too much? Am I being too greedy?
Does any of this exist anymore? Or am I being too "dreamy"?
To find one with the  above mentioned traits, plus being a chivalrous romantic,
Seems so hopeless now, but I will not panic.
As far as looks... What do I seek there?
Nice eyes is a must, ok... and nice hair.
I can learn to love the rest, if the inner beauty shows;
If you have these ten things covered, my love will grow and grow.
I am far from perfect, very far indeed,
But I still want to be loved, just something that I need.
If you're the one I seek;
Don't hesitate to speak.
You will see what I ask of you, I give ten times or more;
When I love, I love completely, but if you're "The One" I will love like never before.

(c) copyright 11/01/05 Melia Teka
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