Something New
I am going to try something different, something new.
Not going to think of the future, but going to live in the moment with you.
Last night showed me this is what I need,
Because thinking of the future only brings me sadness and misery.
Your carresses, and you kisses will always be something I cherish,
But I will not think of you always being there, because eventually my happiness will parish.
As the saying goes, "old habits, die hard",
But I am tired of my heart being broken into little glass shards.

I was so nervous when I seen your face;
A gasp I gave, and my heart increased its pace;
Those few times I stared into your blue eyes, it was so hard to pull away;
I didn't know how to act, so I ended up babbling, and coming across the wrong way.
Perhaps if we should cross paths again I can act the way I meant to act,
And not like a bumbling insecure 16 year old girl who is talking to her first crush; not knowing how to react.
For me, living in the "now" seems quite unlikely;
I am too much the dreamer, who wants her ever after to be lived happily.
So many lines I have crossed out while writing this poem, because they start with future thoughts of you.
No! No! No! - Living in the "now" is what I am trying to do.
Why does my heart have to over power my mind?
My brain and heart are at odds, and it's like World War III going on inside.
You thought I was the type who knew what was wanted and took it;
I usually am, but you caught me off guard, quite a bit.
Please don't ask me to explain my words.
Wouldn't even know where to begin, and I'd only sound absurd.

When we met, I definately got the better end, of that I know.
I feel I've let you down somehow, but you're too sweet to let it show.
And if I never do see you again;
Just want to Thank You, for a much needed, fun evening that I thought, was well spent.

(c) copyright 3/15/06 - Lissa Teka
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