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One her face is a look of gried and sorrow
The day brings her thought, but never of a hopeful tomorrow
The nights bring her nothing but an aching kind of lonliness
She seeks any type of comfort, even those of holiness
But nothing helps, she sees that now
The one thing that keeps her alive and she alone has taken this vow
To find in her life, her soul companion, her soul mate
The one who is destined for her, and her be his fate
The skies thunder as she walks alone
She see many couples together, and wishes one of her own
Around her heart she has taken up a coldness
Only the one for her, could break through with a boldness
She sits on a bench watching the stars light up the sky
Then she feels an electric touch, on her arm, and she answers back with a faint cry
She looks over to find a man sitting next to her
He looks at her and she smiles to him, thinking he is the "one" for sure
He is the man of her dreams,mysterious and kind
He whispers to her that is was she for whom he has taken years to find
They didnt speak a word, just held each other tight
They were happy now, throughout eternity from that one night!

(c) Lissa 1998