I hear the winds howl and the rain pour down,
A wonderful summer evening that I must enjoy.
I walk down the stairs, letting the rain hit my face;
I love this weather, but to most it annoys.

The thunder seems to crackle just over head,
The lightning so close my heart begins to race;
I walk towards the forest across the street by the river.
Find my haven of solitude, my escape, my secret place.

I sit on the rock, with my head turned upward.
Let the water cleanse and drown all the pain,
Let it mix with my tears that falls from my eyes,
When thinking of your sorrow, your grief and disdain.

I wish the rain would wash me away,
I wish the wind would carry me to eternal rest.
I wish the thunder would open the earth to swallow me whole.
I wish the lightning would burn a hole in my chest.

Such thoughts make the tears fall harder.
Wind rips through the trees as if they were tissue.
Why did you leave me alone in this world.
I love you so much, and gods know I miss you.

I look out in the distance, and watch the river churn,
My mind goes numb, and the tears finally slow;
The storm quiets down, but the rain still comes.
Hours came and went as I sit there alone.

I ask myself a question, that brings the tears back with force;
Should I live another day, or into the river, myself do I toss.
Pro's and cons, evenly matched at this point of the game.
I walk back home with my head down, dreading a future loss.

(c) Melia Teka 6/11/08
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