Sitting on the rocks overlooking the ocean,
I think about what has passed and what's to come.
All the regrets I have had,
And the many stupid things that I have done.

Will I have learned from my mistakes?
More then likely not; And my future will end up like my past.
More regrets, more stupidity, more anguish and tears,
I am stuck in a rut, and no one can save me; life's going too fast.

Everyone says I am young, and I have so much to look forward to,
But I feel well beyond my years, and I do not see any light.
This is not for pity, just a fact of what is.
I accept it as such, and I surrender to this fight.

The mist sprays upward into my face;
I lean toward the sun, the only warmth that touches deep;
A northern wind blows, and my warmth vanishes;
The cold has come back, and into my pores it continues to seep.

The beauty I once held onto, as the sun set over the horizon,
Has lost its enchantment, when watching it alone.
Just another day has passed, and another lonely night emerges,
Something I can always count on, a lasting friendship, together we have grown.

I get up and stand closer to the edge;
Watching the waves get torn open on the jagged rocks below;
I make my way carefully down to the shore,
Letting the water splash around me, and cover my toes.

I walk further into the arms of the ever constant marine,
Letting my troubles get swept far away from me for the moment;
Knowing that pain is like a loyal dog, finding its way back home.
The time I am here, takes the edge of what was deeply pent.

I slowly walk back to my jeep, lost in my thoughts.
How quickly the sadness starts creeping into my heart.
I journey to my final destination of the day;
When I get home, I lay down, thinking tomorrow will be a fresh start.

I awake the following morning, doing the same thing I did yesterday;
Showering, dressing, coffee, and out the door to work I go.
There has got to be something more to this life then what meets the eyes.
When finally my work day ends, I sigh as I will do this all again, tomorrow.

� copyright 3/23/06 Melia Teka
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