Tears Of Angels
The rain pours down upon me;
They're tears of angels so they seem,
Their cries are for my anguished soul;
To heal the pain and mend the hole.
To seal the broken pieces from within,
Make me once more feel alive again.
Will I ever know true happiness?
Or will I always live in sadness?
Why does it always come to this?
Is this really all there is?
The hurt comes to surface once more.
Everytime; worse then before.
Do the angels even care?
Do they look upon how we fare?
Do they ever guide us along our route?
Push us straight, when we drift with doubt?
Inside; my heart, I silently shout;
The angels hear and cry out loud.
The rain pours down upon me;
They're tears of angels so they seem....

(c) 1/12/07 Melia Teka
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