Tears of Blood
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Tears of blood fall from my eyes
I have no more clear tears anymore
I have cried so much and it wont stop
Seems nothing is left, dont know whats in store

Tears in the form of blood I have wept
Non stop for days, weeks, months I must admit
The sorrow in my heart, I have kept
I never seem to learn, but always seem to regret

Blood runs from my eyes as I write these words
Also runs from my wrists as I slit them angrily
Blood; the life, is leaving my body
A smile has crept upon my face so cynically

I watch the blood drip onto the floor
Its so warm and thick and it falls so free
I finally did it! what I wanted to do for so long!
I start turning cold and now I cant see

Blood still drips down, slower now then before
I am slipping away fast, I am so glad
My thoughts fade also, and everything is limp
Blood is the life, but death had been had!

(c) 1999