The Crypt
As she walks at sunset, through the cemetary,
She feels peace, a calm, and no longer weary.
She walks between the graves and head stones,
And spots a crypt, standing ahead, all alone.
The cold marble walls tell a tale of their own.
How it stood there all this time,
Seeing people visit, age, grow old, then die.
With romanesque pillars and stained glass windows,
The crypt looks beautiful, a place live people should go.
She notices the name, and dates carved into the base;
The youngest in here 3, such a sorrowful disgrace.
She opens the door, walks in, and feels a presence;
The hair on her arms stand up, and she becomes tense.
Something's not right here, she senses that now,
Just then the door slams, and locks, somehow.
She runs to the door and pushes with all her might;
Her body is preparing for this - "fight or flight."
She looks behind her and gasps at the sight.
The coffin opens, and she nearly passes out from fright.
She then smashes a window with her fist;
Wouldn't you know, now there's a fine mist.
She runs from the crypt in nearly blinding darkness,
And can not believe any of this.
There is an unease now, that comes from all around her.
She thought that she was going the right way, she was sure,
But she would have already been out of here.
She has walked here at night for many years.
She stops for a minute to catch her breath.
She can't stop too long, because of her pending death.
Then she hears something being dragged through the grass;
Knows if she can't get out soon, this night will be her last.
Too bad it's so dark, otherwise she would see,
Running is no use, in a cemetary full of zombies.
She stops again as the dragging sound gets near;
Pulls a lighter from her pocket, thinking it will make the evil disappear.
When she lights it, she screams a blood curdling scream.
She tries pinching herself as this is all a bad dream.
All around her the zombies move in slowly;
She looks at them, then starts to pray, as if she was holy.
The response she got back said 'it was too little, too late."
The zombies moves in now, and together they ate.....

(c) copyright 9-3-05 Melia Teka
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