The Soulless
Like a thousand lashes with a whip of thorns;
Your silence pains me, like nothing I've felt before.
Feeling dirty and used, betrayed and broken;
Was in denial at first, but let the realization soak in.
I never loved some one so thoroughly, so deep;
I never felt pain like this before, so raw, so steep.
Each breath kills me, I die over and over again,
All the joy, all the happiness does down the drain;
Pain, torment and darkness is all that remains.
Can't do this feeling justice, wish I would go numb;
Believing your words and letting you in; naive and dumb.
They say it's better to have love and lost then to not love at all;
I can't see the logic through the endless tears that fall.
They say that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger,
With you gone, and this torture, I don't want to live any longer.
Though I will go on day after day and hellish night after night;
If any potential love comes along, against it I will fight.
Three years along, thought I was immune to loves charm;
Thinking it was safe to love you, and not come to harm.
You even fooled my instincts, there was no warning sound;
Thought the love of my life was finally found.
Fate played a cruel hand of a lonely destiny, and a loving heart;
I close my eyes while the whip continues tearing me apart.
They say to grab life by the reigns, which I don't do, I play safe,
The one time I did, ended in disaster, now I feel colder then the grave.
You looked in my eyes and told me that you weren't an a**hole;
But what you did to me, to my heart - do you even have a soul?.

(c) Melia Teka 6/14/08
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