This Messed Up World
Is it me or is this world getting more messed up daily?
Comparing things from ten years ago, to how they are lately.
Everything from weapons, to people, to even the weather,
Patience is wearing thin; too many people bunched up together.
All the hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and more;
The Tsunami's brought on by the shifts of the ocean floor.
Are these the signs that the end is near?
The way people are killing, raping, or living in fear.
I think about these things and wonder why,
People keep bringing babies into these times.
To me it's selfish, I will never understand it,
How people just keep having more and more kids.
Do parents really think their kids can change the world?
As history shows, each generation is worse, whether boy or girl.
I will admit I sometimes catch myself thinking,
Of having that perfect family; then the thoughts start sinking,
When I think of the way things are,
The thoughts chill me far beyong the heart.
When watching the news, so much bad; it's getting worse.
This Millenium is bringing in the evil; since January the first!
One thing I find so sad, but at the same time find funny,
Why is it the dinosaurs lasted so long with a brain the size of a pea?
And we're killing ourselves quickly, guess we're not as smart, are we?
One reason I would love to become immortal and live forever,
Is to laugh when this all end, and humans think of ways they could have done things better.
"Could of, would of, should of" a phrase said when it's too late;
Thought we'd learn from the past, with so many people, places, and dates.
Sometimes yes, more often not;
Humans as a whole, are a very stupid lot.
So many people living here in ignorant bliss.
I see though; am ready to go; nothing in this world would I miss....

(c) copyright 10/13/05 Melia Teka
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