Is this the one I all but gave up on?
Is this the one I've always been dreaming of?
This life had been so lonely, but you, I stumbled upon.
Am I falling too fast? Or is it real love?

I don't understand the speed of what happened.
I've been hurt before; I have hardened my heart.
Knowing that you care, that you understand.
You came so unexpected, but of my heart, you became a part....

Is it true what everyone says?
'When you least expect something, that's when yout dreams come true?'
I have waited so long, the years, months, days.
I have fallen hard, I just hope you feel as I do.

Are you real?
Are you but a dream?
I can't believe the way I feel.
Is this only a 'thing'? Or is it more.. so it seems.

I only ask that you do not hurt me.
I can't help but think, from the past, that you will.
But for now my heart is content, it seems to be.
If this is not what I hope it is, I know my heart will become still.

(c) copyright 6-25-05 Melia Teka
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