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I see someone but cant make out who
The sky all of a sudden gets cloudy
Now he comes closer, and he wears either black or dark blue
He has on a cape and now surrounds me
I start to move away
But no part of me will move, so I stay
I am him what he wants with me
He looks at me and smiles dangerously
I am drawn to his mysterious ways
I feel now like he put me in a daze
He says not to worry
He whispers that I am not going to be sorry
I feel his fangs in my throat, and everything went black
When I awoke I wasnt in the same place
He came toward me in silence...
I can then make out his face
He came to me, and said not to be so tense
Then I remembered what happend
I asked him if I would be here forever
He told me something so I listened
He said we would always be together
I asked him if I can go out
He told me later as long as I dont pout
I asked him if we can go out for food tonight
He said we can go as long as there is no light
I asked him if I could see my family
He said OK as long as hes with me
I asked if we were the only ones left
He didnt  answer so I asked again
He said he will tell me everything I need to know at the right time
I said no more, and we went off in the night

(c) 1996