She senses something is near and quickens her pace.
She looks around her, but can not see a face.
He sits in the shadows, hidden by trees and by brush.
He hears her increasing heart beat, as if she's in a rush.
She gets closer and he is ready to pounce.
She wants to scream out, it takes her every ounce.
He gets ready to leap, but stops dead in his tracks,
She is the one he has searched for, for years and years back.
He comes out of hiding, not sure what to do,
She sees him and smiles as if she had knew.
She stops and reaches out her hand,
He moves closer to her, and now understands.
She has never seen a wolf before.
She thinks he's a dog, doesn't know what's in store.
He lets her pet his head, and scratch his ears.
The touch seems so small, but he's waited for hundreds of years.
She looks into his green eyes and ruffle his light fur,
He wants nothing less, then to devour her.
But not in the way that you might think.
He abruptly runs off, just this side of the brink.
She shakes her head as if to clear it,
Making her way home, a different path thats well lit.

In the heart of the forest he change back to human form,
For him this mighty action, has become a norm.
He walks to his house lost in deep thought.
The urges and feelings come roaring up; for so long he has fought.
He knows he needs to see her again, and soon,
Greatful this was the last night of the full moon.
He can change anything he feels the want or the need,
But the three nights of the full moon he must constantly feed.

She goes up to her room and looks out her window,
Looking for something, but what, she does not know.
She turns from the window, lays down with a sigh,
She goes to sleep then, and dreams of the 'dog' with human eyes.

He plans for their meet, then sleeps a deep sleep,
When thinking of her, even in sleep, his heart leaps.

The next evening, she starts home again
This time looking out for her furry friend.
She spots him once again, in the clearing of trees,
The wolf stares and her, and she gets weak in the knees.
He starts treading down the path looking behind him,
She knows he wants her to follow, and she does on a whim.
He leads her toward a house far off the path,
Then runs from her, goes in the house, through the back.
She gathers her courage and knocks on the door.
It opens slowly, and stands there, one she had seen before.
She asks him if that's his dog, and he laughs and nods his head,
He says the 'dog' stays out all day and comes home to be fed.
He asks if she would like to come in
She declines sweetly with a small grin.
She admits to being lost, the dog led her astray;
He gladly says he'd take her home, they would soon be on the way.
She then comes in, sits down, and waits patiently.
Spots a picture on the wall of him and his family.
She gets up to take a closer look, and gasps out loud.
She notices the light hair, green eyes, and her heart began to found.
A hand touches her shoulder and she jumps in the air.
She feels silly, and blushes then she can't help but stare.
She has seen those same green eyes, and that same light hair.
He asks if she's OK, and she snaps out of the trance.
She nods slowly, her heart slowing, as if coming of a dance.
She wants to question him but feels to embarassed to ask.
She feels compelled to find the truth, and this mystery - unmask.
They walk outside toward the path she needs to be on.
The air tenses between the two, she feels unsafe, as if he's a con.
He remains silent, lost in his deep thoughts,
He feels he needs to keep quiet, otherwise knows he would be caught.
She gets to the path, finally knowing how to get home.
She looks up to thank him, but finds herself alone.
In place of the man, stands this four legged creature,
She smiles getting the idea, like a student getting praise from a teacher.
She pets the 'dog' and looks deep in his eyes....
"You're him" she whispers, he looks at her with surprise.
He licks her hand gently, as if in answer,
He knows he is falling in love with her.
An abrupt noise in the trees catches him off guard;
He bites down on her hand, leaving several bloody teeth marks.
She cries out in alarm, and pulls her hand back,
She knows it was an accident, but still felt like an attack.
He can't believe what he has done, what he just did.
He runs to the forst, howling loudly, in the trees, well hid.
She hears the agonizing howl, which clears all possible doubt,
This 'dog' is a werewolf, the man who she had dreamed about.
She runs in the direction of the howls she heard.
Giggles softly, thinking this all to be absurd.
She calls for him, telling him it's OK, and to not be scared.
He hears her voice, cringes as to know, how she will fair.
He changes to human form, and approaches her slowly.
She looks at him, not with hate but a look of love, totally.
He has tears in his eyes,
Which then makes her realize;
She turns white, starts to shake and then she faints.
He knows that her blood and soul is full of taint.
He carries her unconscious body to where he lives.
He senses her changing inside, hopes one day she can forgive.

Several hours go by, and she finally wakes
Her memories are hazy, she gives her head a good shake.
She looks around, she has never seen things so fully.
The colors, the textures; ah yes - her memories are returning.
She leaves the room silently to find that he cried himself to sleep;
She could tell by the way the tears have stained his cheeks.
She strokes the side of his face, and he wakes abruptly,
He looks as though he put himself through hell, entirely.
He tells her her fate, doomed to be a slave to the hunger for eternity.
She knows she should hate him, but she can't in all honesty.
She tells him she forgives him, and he just breaks down,
To show such tenderness, to say those words, to hear that sound,
Was something he wasn't even expecting,
But what startled him even more, was the next thing;
She kneeled down next to him, and kissed him so deep
The kiss took their breath away, and they started to weep.
She whispered that as long as they were together
She would embrace this life, and love him forever.
He sat there, completely stunned, not sure of what to say.
In all his long years he had never imagined this day.
He told her he loved her; how he looked for her through out the ages.
Then handed her several journals, she started going though the pages.
These journals described how he was transformed into a 'were'
How he managed day to day life, and all of his fears.
He told her he would train her, and introduce others of his kind.
She seemed so interested as if she didn't mind.
The next night he showed her how to change.
She was screaming in pain, her bones were being rearranged.
When the change was complete, and took time to rest,
She looked at her new world, feeling overwhelmingly intense.
The sounds, sights, and smells made her feel more alive then ever;
She wouldn't change this for the world - never.
He transformed into a worlf, and walked to her side.
Giving her a playful nip, she seemed to be taking it all in stride.
He showed her how to hunt, and stalk her prey.
She felt so torn, loving the chase, but hating the kill of the day.
After their run, the changed back into their human skin.
Told him she couldn't kill another animal, to her a mortal sin.
He said it would get easier for her, but he would make the kill.
He also was impressed with her progress, as though it was an inner-skill.
They went to sleep that night with his holding her tighly.
They continued this way for all eternity, nightly.

(c) copyright 8/29/05 Melia Teka
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