What I Want
I may not be much to look at,
Far from �model� quality,
But what I have to offer,
Goes far beyond what you can see.

I am not trying to prove a thing,
If you believe me great, if not so be it,
I just want some meaning in life,
What I have now is, �I just exist.�

I love fully, passionately, and constantly,
I do whatever I can to make someone feel special.
I am loyal and honest; cheating is of no concern.
When sick, I do everything to make you well.

I do not argue or yell;
Not after superficial earthly goods;
A comfortable life is what I need;
The basics of shelter, love, water, food.

What I wouldn�t give to find a loyal decent man,
Who brings home the check, so I can pay the bills;
Where I can stay home, and do the wifely duties,
But in today�s world what chance is there to have that fulfilled.

Call me old-fashioned, I guess I really am,
I am anti-feminist, but of that you can tell.
I was born in the wrong era,
To me this is a living hell.

Is it wrong to want to be able to stay home and raise a family?
Not have some daycare raise children, as so many do now?
I think it�s wrong, but again, just my opinion;
It would scare me knowing the chances of how they would turn out.

Could I find a guy who I can trust?
To live my life out as mentioned above?
Or is it just a silly fantasy?
Since there�s a good chance of not finding this love.

� copyright 3/28/06 Melia Teka
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