What To Do...
Getting so frustrated, feeling like it�s getting worse,
Want to run away from here, this state is my curse.
I would not tell anyone where I have gone, just start anew,
Not that I�d be missed anyway, well maybe by one or two.
I am tired, cold, feeling jaded and alone.
If I left today, would I have regret what I had done?
Probably; my list has grown more then I�d like to admit,
But I am seriously getting to the point of saying �**** it�.
What do I have that�s keeping me here?
The one that I loved did what I most feared.
I have nothing holding me back, but I�ll admit, I am scared,
Again, I think too much, I should just go, and see how I fare.
This is so confusing for me, too many mixed feelings.
It�s like jumping in a black abyss, not knowing, not seeing.
Those types of chances; the outcomes always left me in pain;
Whether emotional, mental, or physical, the response is the same;
But if I stay, further down the spiral I will continue to fall,
Until I hit bottom, or soon to end it all.

� copyright 04/03/06 Melia Teka
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