Without You In My Life
Without you in my life; I have nothing left,
The endless days of lonliness seem my only friend.
You were the one I was able to tell everything to,
But now that you are gone, bottling everything inside is what I do.
The sun hasn�t shown in days, only rain and darkness prevails.
It adds to my misery, and no matter how I try for happiness I only fail.
I usually like the darkness; it�s my escape from my pointless day,
But over ten days of clouds is wearing my patience away.
Seems as though every little thing is grating on my nerves,
Try to brush things off, as only if my sanity would preserve.
How my stress load seems to grow with no outlet,
I need to get rid of so many pent up frustrations, that are inset.
I never will forgive you for how you cut me up inside,
But the stabbing pain has become a dull ache still in my heart; resides.
Since I am scared to death to get involved again,
Should I just give in to mindless passion?
No strings, no heart, no emotions; just lust instead;
I already know I don�t work that way, as I have previously said.
How come I can�t get used to being alone?
Between a constant ache, and a numbing pain the bitterness is shown.

(c) Lissa ??/??/??
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