Your Voice
Why does your voice bring tears to my eyes?
Is it the pain I hear, the sorrow I detect?
Or am I falling for you, but how can that be right?
I never even met you. I am going crazy I suspect.

Your voice so sweet, haunted, dark, and beautiful,
Brings repressed thoughts to the surface;
Of my Endless Dark; the one thing that's faithful.
What I wouldn't give to be wrapped in your darkness.

The lyrics so passionately intense.
Mixed of love, evil, death, desire.
That call out to my soul; wreak havoc of my sense.
Makes me burn with a Dark Light; an uncontrollable fire.

I take a deep breath to calm the tears that have threatened;
I'm lost forever in your music; your voice.
I hate feeling so out of control; so condemned.
Though the first time I heard you, my soul rejoiced.

Now I sit here In Joy and Sorrow, my soul no longer content;
It received a moment of fulfillment and now wants more.
Just one more sin, I must soon repent.
My Circle of Fear has come to bloom, and the tears begin to pour.

(c) Melia Teka 10/28/07
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