site updates

what's new

august 22, 2000
oh, you probably all hate me because i haven't updated in more than a month. sorry! i did the "cool news" and "results". i also added something to the "fridge". i hope to have some more pics up soon.

july 18, 2000
i updated the "match results" and added 2 homies to the "thier homies" page.

july 7, 2000
i updated the "match results" page.

july 5, 2000
sorry for the delay in updates, i had 2 deaths in my family in the past 2 weeks, but i will be regularly updating as usual as of today.

june 27, 2000
i completely changed the "index" page. i hope everyone likes it!!!

june 21, 2000
i updated the "match results", "cool news", and "wwf news" pages.

june 14, 2000
i finally updated the "match results" page. i also changed the font color for the "index" page.

june 12, 2000
i updated "cool news" and "wwf news" pages. i also added a "wwf sites" and "non-wwf sites" pages.

june 4, 2000
i updated "cool news" and "wwf news" pages

june 2, 2000
i added bios to "s2h's bio", "gms' bio", and "rikishi" pages

june 1, 2000
i updated the "match results" page
i added "hotty pics", "sexay pics", "too cool's fridge", "cool news", and "group pics" pages

may 31, 2000
i added "too cool's board" and "send me mail" pages

may 30, 2000
i finished the "their homies", "too cool sites" and "wwf news" pages

may 24, 2000
i finished the "link a homey" and "about me" pages

may 20,2000
i finished the "index" page and "guestbook"

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|main| |s2h's bio| |hotty pics| |cool news| |match results| |old school too cool|
|group pics| |wwf news| |about me| |link a homey| |gms' bio| |sexay pics|
|rikishi| |scott & brian's fridge| |their homies| |too cool sites|
|too cool's board| |view guestbook| |sign guestbook| |send me mail|

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