LMS Games Workshop Reviews

Our pledge
'We promise to be completely honest in our reviews and we do not care who we piss off. We are a completely independent site and are not affiliated with Games Workshop'

We review all Games Workshop products using this very simple Flaming Skull system

{ReviewSkull} Crap, don't get it unless you really, really need it for your games
{ReviewSkull} {ReviewSkull} Okay, if you need it for your games get it, otherwise leave alone
{short description of image} {ReviewSkull} {ReviewSkull} Good, pushes all the right buttons, but could do better
{short description of image} {ReviewSkull} {ReviewSkull} {ReviewSkull} Fantastic, its not quite all there but its an essential GW must have
{short description of image} {ReviewSkull} {ReviewSkull} {ReviewSkull} {ReviewSkull} Bloody Marvelous! What are you doing? - Get it now!

Click on the product below to read its review

Click to read the WD248 reviewClick to read the Artbook reviewClick to read Codex Space Marines reviewClick to read Codex Armageddons reviewClick to read Codex Imperial Guards reviewClick here to read the WD249 reviewClick here to read the Codex Catachan reviewClick here to read the Warhammer reviewClick here to read the White Dwarf 250 review
Click here to read the White Dwarf 251 review Click here to read the White Dwarf 252 review Click here to read the White Dwarf 253 review
Click here to read the White Dwarf 254 review Click here to read the White Dwarf 255 review

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