Thank you for dropping by.   

Updated on 18/4/02

Recently, my dad was hospitalised due to a work accident and I was sucked

into another phase in my life.


Also, I noticed there are more and more "tube dealers" out there. GOOD LUCK.

I will be gradually stopping the tubes sales service soon because of some personal commitment. It is really nice to meet so many wonderful people that buy from me ( and the PRETENDERS that just wanna check the price, hello, they are written there liao, what you want??). I wish you guys and gals audio bliss. I will still leave the code and tips here. Also, occasional, I might sell something here. Also, I would like start a Audible Illusion Fan Club here.

vts.gif (6063 bytes) Vintage Tube Services, this guy knows what he is talking about, susprising facts on "NOS" Telefunkens, Seimens & Mullard tubes ..... you still think you have the real thing? 

Don't be shy to ask questions, I have shared and learned many experiences from guys like the guy who listen to a mini - combo in my block and the dude who had a S$500,000 set-up.

singnetheader.gif (3071 bytes) Check out the latest wannabes in SINGNET classified ads. Seriously, besides saying they are selling tubes, do they really know anything else we don't know, like vintage, makers, identity, sonics .... etc.. besides "I have a Amperex JAN 7308 ... ", not even basic description like year and physical characteristics. Hey, there are many fake Amperex and there is an official endorsed one, and of course the wonderful originals made from many factories. I would like to make it clear once and for all: 

1) You will still not see my tubes prices as CALL or POA. I do not need to hide my prices as some of these dealers do. If you like, you can use my site as a price guide. It is because of the overwhelming response I get  from people that buy from me. And because I operate from the comfort of my home. And last but not least, I am eager to learn from anyone who knows how to identify tubes (forget sonics, I know my best and my ears and musical taste are different from yours). This is due to pressure from some of my customer who hesitated to buy from me as they need a regular dosage of tubes "high". This has become my commitment now.    

2) Most of these tubes I had sold are used and I had bought them from overseas used. I do not know how long they have been used. Anyway, most of the tubes are from the 50's and 60's so they are older than me lor ...... heeehehehee ... just relax and enjoy the music, I can only say that you will probably change the tubes first before they go bad or when you can sick of them and have to "upgrade" (*o*)

3) I cannot offer any guarantee but I will exchange any thing that I had sold to buyers if they ( the goods) are not as specified or not in excellent working condition. Please bear in mind that I have very high standard myself on the things that I used. Regular users know that even when they buy NOS or new tubes, especially pre-amp tubes, sometimes they do hiss. So, what can I say about guarantee? 

4) All tube sold are tested by my supplier by then and again tested by me using the Jackson Tube Tester. The tester is at my work place as it uses 100Vac. All tubes that test NO GOOD or WEAK are smash up and then throw  away. Sorry, Gana Kuni, no chance for you to reap a piece of me. I URGE ALL TUBE USERS TO DO SO TOO. Wrap faulty tubes in paper and just use a hammer to smash them up. BE WARNED THAT MERCURY VAPOR IS HARMFUL TO HEALTH. I cannot be hold responsible for any people that had inhaled mercury vapor while smashing tubes, bulbs and florescent lightings. 

My name is Danny. I am a Eastern Boy ( I stay in the East lah..... what are you thinking?), music and tube addict and I am proud of it. You should too.

"If music is the food of love, let it play on"

I am selling my collection of rare USED and NOS tubes because it is one of my hobbies.

I will still keep a lifetime supply of those tubes I am using with my present audio system. Every thing I sell on this homepage were bought initially for my personal use only. I will try to source for real tubes but as you know, they are really becoming rare.

I am working as a Service Engineer in a Japanese company dealing in memory testers, handlers and RF & DC/AC instruments, bite me.

Definition of USED 

Not new stocks, as in the tubes had been installed into a component which were played for leisure listening or used in equipment before. Not necessary my equipment though if you have to ask.

Definition of NOS

New Old Stock. These are new tubes from the yesteryears which are unused and were in storage all these while. Please do not confuse them for new tubes. New tubes are new production tubes made in the '90s which were mostly from China and Russia (except for the WE tubes ). I might be wrong in certain aspect so this is a general statement. All NOS are tested by me before sale.

Why should you buy used or NOS tubes?


Good question. In my opinion, tubes made during the early era are purer in the material used and thus they last longer and sounds better too. Modern new production tubes just didn't sound right to my ears and other audiophiles and reviewer as well. Besides, to get those exact same materials now will push the prices of these new tubes to astronomical figures if hey can find the original supplier. Anyway, used tubes from yesteryears should last longer than your newer generics. 


Hey, who will you buy a watch from, Cartier (a fashion house who happen to make extreme quality accessories, jewelries, clothes and watches) or Rolex ( just a small watch maker in Switzerland) for the same price? That philosophy applies here.


I was coaxed and convinced by one of my audiophile friend during the early '90s to try some used Amperex Bugleboy tubes and it was love at first note. They are definitely cleaner, clearer, more extended in the extreme and much more transparent than my stock new tubes in the new component which I had just bought then, even I wasn't using very good speakers then. You got to hear it to believe it.


Why you should not ask me which is the best?


Simple, since when you heard a salesman says that his stuff is no good. I hope I answer your question. If you know, good for you. If you don't, maybe we can try to sort it out.


Try Dejanews instead.


How to buy and my condition


I can be contacted by e-mail at [email protected] ., Serious buyers only please. I can arrange for a listening session if you are serious in getting a few pairs. Be warned that I love listening to music loud. I hope you too. Please visit my link homepages. You will be listening to the system listed inside. No spamming please or you will be referred to the proper authority. Cash only. No Reserve, No Exception.


Newbies are ALWAYS welcome to ask question.


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