Lola Cola's Peachy Pages

Hi Kidz, and welcome to my little corner of the universe. Make yourself
comfortable, sit back, take your shoes off and... eeew... maybe you'd
better put them back on!!  I am hoping to make this place fun and...
well, peachy! Since i have been called a fruit before i have decided that
i shall dedicate this site to my very favorite. There are so many lovely
things said to describe a peach; a good one is ripe, juicy, luscious,
has tender flesh and a succulent flavor.

Film Adventures w/pix
Red Party Pix
When Robert left
Lola's Sundance Diary
Southern Comfort Conference
Beyond He and She

Hermaphrodites at the Louvre

Please bear with me as i ditz around with this place, i DO
hope to have it semi-fabulous before the turn of the next century!
It is so exciting to find so many fascinating trans people inhabiting the web. Hopefully this site will provide
an opportunity to link up and meet with them, point at community resources, events, and other pertinent sites! Counter 1

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