Chapter 5: All Eyes on Me
Its Hard To See Through Your Dreams
Music to Read By:
"All Eyes On Me" by the Goo Goo Dolls
Daylight burns your sleepy eyes and its hard to see your dreaming
You hide inside yourself and I wonder what you're thinking
And everything youre chasing, it seems
to leave you empty
And it wont take long to burn through the nothing that you've learned and the things
you choose to be; all eyes on me
I squinted as the bright sunlight shone through the window.
"No" I moaned as I rolled over, leaning up against Joey. "Its not morning already."
"Audrey?" he said puzzled."Why am I in bed with you? Oh, God did we...?"
"No" I interrupted. "You were pretty smashed, and no one wanted you driving home."
"I need some coffee" Joey always needed coffee. Even if it was 2:00 in the afternoon and he was wide awake, he wanted coffee. I loved this guy.
He got up out of bed wearing just his khakis,  the rim of his Polo boxers sticking out the top, He was so cute when he was half asleep. I heard him rummaging through the cabnets of the kitchen.
"Hey Aud, where's the coffee?"
"Oh shit. Im out"
"Argh" was all I got in reply
He came back in the bedroom, threw a shirt at me and said "We're going to Starbuck's"
I suddenly realized all I was wearing was a bra. How did he know? How drunk
were we last night?
"Should we call the guys and see if they want to join us?" I asked.
"Sure, they can proably use a caffeine fix too."
I searched the table next to my bed for Issac's cell number.
"hmm...Hello?" he answered sleeply.
"Want coffee?"
"Coffee??! Hallelujah. When? Where?"
"Starbuck's, Corner of 9th and Ashton St., 20 minutes."
"We're there, cya"
I heard the water start in the shower. I grabbed some jeans and a Hollister tank.
Joey and I got out of the cab and stumbled into Starbuck's. I saw the boys. Issac was reading the paper, Taylor was blankly staring at his coffee and Zac was asleep  with his head on the table. I sat next to Taylor who acnowleged me with somewhat of a grunted "hey". Issac wasn not at all phased by last night's happenings.
"Good morning Audrey" he said.
"Jeeze Issac, what are you drinking?" I asked
He had apparently kicked Zac cause he quickly sat up "What?! Oh hey Audrey."
Joey retuned with my white chocolate mocha and grabbed the chair next to me. I felt Taylor's leg up against mine. Im not sure he was aware of his surroundings, much less his own leg. This was going to be an interesting day.
"How'd everyone sleep?' Issac asked cheerily.
He was answered with a few muffled "alright's" and a random moan.
As we proceded to consume our coffies, we all began to evolve into somewhat of a level of consciousness. We left Starbuck's, grabbed a cab and headed back to the studio. Joey was sitting on the couch reading the latest issue of Rolling Stone. The band was warming up in the recording room when the phone in the office rang.
"Sound Enforcement, can I help you?"
"Hey hun!"
"Oh, Hey Melissa, how are you?"
"Just peachy, and yourself?"
"A little tired, but I'll survive."
"Is the band there?"
"Yes," I answered hesatantly."uh ho, why?"
"Mind if I stop by and you know, meet them?" she asked suspiciously.
"I dont care, just promise me you wont jump any of them."
"Audrey! Im shocked! How can you say such a thing?"
"Shut up" I laughed.
"Adios chicka"

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