Scenes from a Korean Restaurant in Tangkogae, Seoul.
Below.. These are 4 photographs I really felt that I should take. Troy, Hey Young and I on meandering around Tangkogae (North-east of Nowon), felt a little peckish. We found the restaurant below, it was tiny and was full of korean people, mostly Agishi. Knowing the old adage 'restaurants full of locals, are full because they are either cheap, have good fare, or better still have a combination of the two', we went in. Everybody cheered, seriously they cheered! Way-guk im ni-da!

When we sat down and ordered, I noticed a group of five men across from me. They were a little loud, because they had been drinking Soju (Korean potato vodka that gets you absolutely inebriated in no time at all). I felt too ashamed to say "Sa-jin chiga do twae-yo?" (can I take a photo?) so I estimated their distance from me, and put the camera on self timer... All was going so well.. Snap! Snap! Snap! and then SNAPPED! one of the guys saw the red light flashing!!
.... The man, then stood up and started shouting at me. After a while he must have realised that I had no idea what he was saying... so he began to shout and cuss at Hey-Young, who ended up in tears. By now I felt little more than a guttersnipe. All I could say to the Agishi was "Mian Ham ni-da" (I am sorry).... However the food arrived (rather timely as it happened) .. Duk du Rii Tung (a spicy chicken and vegetable casserole), which we washed down voraciously with Maek-Ju (beer).

Soon that uncomfortable moment drifted away. Later, while we were eating an older agishi said "you can take a photo of us if you want?" After smiling, we ended up talking to him via Hey-Young, and told him that Troy was from Australia and that I was from New Zealand. Soon the whole restaurant was talking, it really was fantastic. Need I say that the five, had left by now!

Troy took a photo of everyone in the restaurant. It really was a strange little meal. The very worst, followed by the very best of Korea, in the space of an hour and a half. I'm glad the photos suffice. They make the restaurant look warm and convivial, which it was. But what I find ironic, is that in taking them, I managed to changed the restaurant momentarily, from having an air of conviviality to an air of intimidation and antagonism! Hmmmmm!?
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