Places in Korea.
Nowon Gu, Sanggye-dong: My place at the moment.

We have a little joke (if it can be aptly called that?), and so this photo is called 'No-one in Nowon'. The picture is taken from the stairs, at exit 3 of Nowon Yok (or subway station, which is better described as an up-way staion since it is perched about 10 metres above the street).
Nowon is a fairly insignificant suburb of Seoul, situated within the metropolitan boundary making it part of Seoul city. Actually Nowon-gu boasts the highest concentration of people in Seoul. It is famous for its collossal amount of apartment buildings, that when see from the surrounding hills, are so many, they look like termite mounds. It really is a staggering site.

This is the street leading down to Nowon station which runs perpendicular to the shopping area, and restaurant/bar area. It is always like this; wall to wall humanity.

Street vendors  selling everything from cheap watches, shoe polishing services, to mandhu and street meat! Unfortunately Nowon is pretty much fourty minutes by subway, from the middle of Seoul, Chongno, Myongdong  and City Hall, but for the most part I like living here.

Tangkogae is only 15 minutes walk away, and that has the feel of a lovely small town, also one can hike in the mountains after only five minutes walk.
Nowon at Dusk.
Just a shot showing
the somewhat vibrant vertical advertising by night.

Although Nowon is one of the most distant areas of Seoul, it is
still somewhat vibrant, exciting and action packed.
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