My Apartment....
in Sanggye-dong, go dunji! Nowon-Gu..
This is my Apartment Building, or dong., Actually an apartment complex is called Apt. in Korea (pronounced Aah Paa Tu).

I live on the very top floor the balcony, just right of the creamy/ fawny coloured lift shaft.

This is where I sit, on many a sunny day, smoking a cigarette, drinking a cup of coffee, taking the odd photo of Dunji life floors below.
Go (9) Dunji Courtyard.
Sanggye-Dong. Nowon-Gu.
Most apartment complexes have a wee shopping centre of some description, I am quite fortunate that mine is quite large, it includes a doctor, a supermarket and a french bakery, among other things.
This is a wee photo of the Courtyard slightly to the left of the view from my balcony.

Here, is where most peope set up for wee markets, or sit about with a cup of coffee (from the vending machine) and chew the fat! Kids also play and ride their bicycles here!

During languid summer nights, people sit here on alfresco tables, enjoying a cold Maek-Ju (beer) or Soju (Potato vodka) with a meal.
Children Playing Video-Games @ Go Dunji. Sanggye-dong.
Nowon Gu.
This is a wee photo of the Courtyard slightly to the right of the mail courtyard. It is the view directly below my balcony.

Most apartment complexes have a wee shopping centre of some description, I am quite fortunate that mine is quite large, it includes a doctor, a supermarket and a french bakery, among other things. You can see it has JJang (Cool!) Kimbap, another restaurant to the right. Go Dunjie is action packed.
This is another photo taken from my balcony of my apartment complex. Where the woman is standing, is the door to a late night convienience store.

The children are all playing video games. In Korea video games don't seem to be as impersonal as they are in the west, actually quite the contrary. One or two might play, and eight or nine others will hover around and watch, giving playing tips.
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