Looking at Art ~~ Quilt in Perspectives



Looking at Art ~ The Quilt perspectives is a unit where you will learn about art and the art of quilting.  The purpose of this unit is to teach you how to look at any artwork see all the elements and principals that makes that artwork complete.  You will also learn about the art of quilting and its history and how it relates the African-American culture.  You will also look at the work of California artist Faith Ringgold.

Home Main Menu

The Quilt Perspectives


History of Quilt

Artist Faith Ringgold

The Quilt connection





Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold


Elements of Arts

Forms, Line & shape

Space & Texture

Color & Value


Principles of Art


Contrast  & Balance

Patterns & Proportion

Rhythm Unity & Variety ;




Little Flower by Adeola Davies-Aiyeloja



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