Goldkey & Whitman
Yosemite Sam & Bugs Bunny Comics

Comics are sorted by year.

Publisher: Years Published: # of Issues:
Western Publishing 1970-1984 81

1970's - 1980's - Submit New Item


Year: Number: Cover Description: O.C.: B.V.:
1970 1
See Pic!Bugs has planted carrots outside a porthole on Sam's ship. $.15 $7
1971 2
See Pic!They are walking together and Bugs has tied his moustache around his neck to keep warm. $.15 $3
1972 6 Fugitve from a Bull's-Eye. Bugs has disguised himself as an airshaft on Sam's ship. $.15 $3
1972 8 See Pic!Sam is fishing and has poked a hole in Bug's seahorse water float. $.15 $3
1972 9 See Pic!They are in a whaling boat that is on top of a a whale's waterspout. $.15 $3
1973 16
Bugs and Sam have dug up a treasure chest but all that is in it is a piggy bank. $.20 $3
1973 17 Sam has caught a tiny fish and Bugs is pointing at their large frying pan. $.20 $3
1973 18 Bugs is getting ready to go diving and has poked Sam with his prod. $.20 $3
1974 19
Sam is using a cannon to bowl. $.20 $3
1974 20
See Pic!Bugs is running a carrot juice stand and is squirting Sam. $.20 $3
1974 21 See Pic!Bugs is painting the deck and Sam has slid down the mast into the bucket. $.20 $3
1974 22 Sam has thrown the anchor overboard.   $3
1974 23
See Pic!Sam has caught a fish and it bit a chunk out of his hat. Bugs is taking a picture. $.25 $3
1974 25 See Pic!Bugs is using carrots to make fun of Sam's moustache. $.25 $3
1975 26
See Pic!Sam is eating spaghetti and his waiter Bugs has tied his moustache over his head to keep it clean. $.25 $2
1975 32 Bugs is planting carrots seeds where Sam has dug for gold. $.25 $2
1975 33 See Pic!Sam is mixing Bug's cake batter and has caught his moustache in the blender. $.25 $2
1976 34
Sam is playing croquet and has hit Bugs in the head as he was coming out of his hole. $.25 $2
1976 37
Bugs and Sam are having a showdown and their is gum in Sam's holsters. $.25 $2
1976 38
They are in the desert and are trying to get water from a pump but it's is giving them dust. $.25 $2
1976 39
Sam brought his jeep to Bugs for repair but all that is under it are fake feet. $. $2
1976 40
See Pic!Bugs is waterskiing on his ears. $.30 $2
1976 41
Sam is painting the side of his boat and Bugs had dumped talbe scraps on him. $.30 $2
1977 43
Bugs and an octupus are playing jumprope with Sam. $.30 $2
1977 ? See Pic!They are fishing and their lines are tangled under the boat. $.30 $2
1977 46
Bugs has skateboarded past Sam and stolen a carrot. $.30 $2
1977 47
Bugs is a genie coming out of a lamp. $. $2
1978 51
Bugs is waiting to catch a baseball but it has hit Sam in the mouth. $.35 $2
1978 52
They are on separate tiny islands and Bugs has a clothesline between them. $.35 $2
1978 53
Sam is semaphoring and Bugs is replying with his ears. $.35 $2
1978 54
Sam is sleeping in a lawn chair and Bugs is mowing around him. $.35 $2
1978 55
Bugs is trick or treating with a Sam mask and has scared Sam. $.35 $2
1978 56
See Pic!Sam is playing trumpet and Bugs has closed his ears to block him out. $.35 $2
1978 57
Bugs has installed a vending machine that only sells carrots. $.35 $2
1979 58
They are back to back getting ready to duel with a carrot and water pistol. $.35 $2
1979 59
Sam is holding a red cape and Bugs is charging like a bull. $. $2
1979 60 Bugs has put a knot in Sam's waterhose and the water is coming out in knots. $. $2
1979 61
Sam is in the crowsnest and Bugs is on a pogo stick trying to hand him a telescope. $. $2
1979 63
Sam is rollerskating and Bugs is hanging onto his moustache skateboarding. $.40 $2

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Year: Number: Cover Description: O.C.: B.V.:
1980 66 See Pic!They are parachuting down and Bugs is trying to catch a carrot. $.40 $2
1980 75 Bugs is plugging in the vacuum and it has sucked in Sam's moustache. $.50 $2
1981 76 See Pic!They are riding a carousel and Bugs is trying to get his horse to go faster with a carrot. $.60 $2
1984 81
Last issue. $. $2

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