The Blue Bunny Track Listing:
Completed on December 8, 2003
disc A - Oceans

1. Apples; I Dig That Scene
2. We Didn't Know What Love Was
3. I Don't Want to be Rick Blaine
4. Chapter 1: Jollity
5. A You and I Lament
6. Hopeless Romantic
7. I Don't Mean Indefinitely, But it Crossed my Mind
8. Chapter 2: Bee Boo Bee!
9. An Ode to Dreamers
10. Isn't it Funny, the Things we Remember?
11. Where we Live
12. Chapter 3: Coyotes
13. The Same Old Story, Right?
14. Manque Amour
     a: Broken Heart
     b: Starting Over

disc B - Stars

1. Boys' Hearts are Made of Paper
2. Movie Star Kisses
3. Sentence Structure Paranoia
4. Chapter 4: Thy Trees of Olde
5. All This
6. Green Dolphin Street
7. Brother and Sister Glass
8. Chapter 5: Another One
9. Fancy Walkin'
10. Sympathetic Arms
11. My Lord
12. Chapter 6: Our Tale Shall End With---Hmm...
I'm in a Good Mood, so...Happiness
13. I Likeov You
14. Midnight Accordion Waltz
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