The legislative branch of the Varangian Empire is perhaps the most important arm of government. It is responsible for the day to day operations of the government and since it is directly elected by all eligible voters in the Empire, is most representative of its democracy.

The legislauture is known as the Imperial Duma and is comprised of a five hundred member lower house, the Boyar Soviet and a one hundred member appointed upper house, the Baronial Court. Although appointed by the Tsar/Tsarina, the Baronial Court possesses no real lawmaking competencies.
Leader: The Reichschancellor

Parties: The Federalists (Liberal) and the Nationalists (Conservative)

Current Composition: The conservative leaning Nationalist Party (NP) holds a greater than two-thirds majority in the Soviet.

Key Legislative Duties
: The Boyar Soviet is solely responsible for creating law in the Empire. Through ad-hoc and standing committees, policy and law are created, refined, and voted on.
Leader: The Laandsgrave

Parties: None

Current Composition: One hundred nobles from accross the Empire and several dozen, foreign, non-voting members of the Order of Riurik

Key Legislative Duties
: The Baronial Court serves more of a ceremonial role in Varangian politics. They have the power, however, to nullify acts of war and budgets sent to them for approval by the Boyar Soviet. They are also the only body that can vote to remove a Tsar or Tsarina from the throne.
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