I. Purpose
(A) The purpose of the Brescian Accord is to settle the territorial status of the island of Brescia located off of the mainland of the Grand Duchy of Ostlund. This accord is a binding document, held sacrosanct by the Thalassocratic Alliance and the Varangian Empire.

II. Cession of the Island of Brescia
(A) The Thalassocratic Alliance cedes the island known as Brescia, off the cost of Ostlund proper to the Varangian Empire at no cost to the latter.

(B) The Thalassocratic Alliance surrenders all claims, known and unknown, in the present and future, to the island of Brescia to the Varangian Empire.

(C) The Varangian Empire agrees to compensation for property belonging to the Thalassocratic Alliance or of its citizens ceded to the Varangian Empire at the current market rate. This compensation is to be paid as a lump sum to the Thalassocratic Alliance or in increments over a number of year, at the discretion of the Thalassocratic Alliance.

III. Sovereignty of the Island of Brescia
(A) The Varangian Empire maintains the right to rule over the island of Brescia or grant it independence according to its own determination. This right is inclusive of the island's diplomatic, military, social, cultural, and economic policy.

(B) The Varangian Empire and the Thalassocratic Alliance agree that the channel separating Ostlund proper and the island of Brescia shall be surveyed and divided equally at its midpoint. This midpoint divisor shall be considered the nautical border between the two entities.

(C) The Varangian Empire and the Thalassocratic Alliance agree to establish a joint council to oversee the use of the channel separating the island of Brescia and Ostlund proper. This council will draft mutually agreeable use for the channel by the Varangian Empire and the Thalassocratic Alliance.

IV. Rights of Citizens
(A) The inhabitants of the island of Brescia shall, at the time of handover and extending one year to the first anniversary of the handover shall be granted dual citizenship status. At the end of the first year of dual citizenship, the citizens shall be required to make a choice between full Varangian citizenship or full citizenship in a Thalassocratic state.

(B) Citizens choosing the retain citizenship in a Thalassocratic state shall enjoy the same privelleges within the Varangian Empire as all nationals of Wysterian Union member states are entitled to in the Wysterian Union Charter.

V. Endorsement

This agreement is ratified and endorsed by the following representatives of the Thalassocratic Alliance and the Varangian Empire on this the thirtieth day of the fourth month of the year of our lord, two thousand and seven.

Xxxxxxx,       ,
The Thalassocratic Alliance

Andrew Soldatyn, Reichschancellor, The Varangian Empire
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