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To Our Jamaican Olympic Team

Congratulations To Our Jamaican Olympic Team- Team Jamaica for coming Thirteenth overall in Beijing 2008. Olympic 2008, the 29th Olympiad which was held in China, saw Jamaica walking away with three world records, one Olympic record, five Gold medals, four Silver medals and two Bronze medals. To the World. Thanks be to God! Jamaica now sell off, to God be the Glory.

Welcome, where you are special and the Lord Jesus is magnified and lifted up. This website is not about me, but all about Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It's purpose is to bring you into a deeper and closer personal relationship with Christ Jesus who is our LORD and SAVIOR.

Here is a principle of being blessed, it is written the same measure you give you shall receive, pressed down shaken together and running over. If we will only learn to praise God in everything, then we will lead a peaceful and successful life.

It is a fact that when you send the praises up, God will send the blessing down. Here is something to reflect on, when we give God thanks, we receive God's hearing, When we praise Him, we obtain God's attention. When we worship Him, God will bring us in His presence.

It is said that only real salvation last forever, my friend I agree with that, because it it true. However, the good word states that "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." (2 Timothy. 3:12 )

Please don't stop there, nor give up, for testing comes to make you stronger, although it might not seems so. The word declares "If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:" 2 Timothy 2:12. So we have to be careful of our response to trials. It is said that without testing you won't have any testimony, without trials you wouldn't know that God could bring you through it.

Hope and pray that you will find this site edifying and you will be blessed.

You Are Blessed And Highly Favoured!

We Have The Victory!

It's when things go wrong,

That's the time we should hold on strong!

Because it won't be that long,

Before God gives you victory in a song.


Just believe, is what God ask,

This is just a part of our task.

Run with pride, the race,

Because we have receive sufficient grace.


The devil is a defeated foe,

Don't mind him crushing your toe.

In Jesus we shall have the victory,

The enemy is defeated by our testimony.


By: Bro. Calvin Jackson






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