Short: shared audio compression lib Author: (Lorence Lombardo) Uploader: (Lorence Lombardo) Type: util/pack Version: 2.0 Architecture: m68k-amigaos rc Thursday 04-Aug-22 14:15:57 Standard disclaimer:- If you decide to use this library you do so at your own risk. "amiaudcomp.library" (c) 2022 Lorence Lombardo. The amiaudcomp library is a new shared bare bones implementation of typically classic Amiga audio compression and decompression. Bare bones gives the coder the flexability of using the functions with established formats, raw and their very own formats. The docu-examples have been divided into 3 main components fib_com, fib_dpk and ext_tst. Fibonacci has been chosen as the mascot. "aifinf" is a bonus mini AIF info program example. Once you have placed the "amiaudcomp.library" in your libs: assign and you are in the "amiaudcomplib" directory a test procedure can be executed by typing the following:- execute aud_tst/mk_tst I have tested this library on "OS1.x" to "OS3.9" and it is working very well. If your CPU is not fast enough then it is recommended you try the test procedure with the "slow" switch. By default the output test result path is to "ram:" but you can make it the current directory with the path="" argument. Alternatively you may specify another path which must end with : or /. Currently example usage is provided for E, Blitz, C, ACE, HB2 and PB4. But if your favourite language is not there then feel free to make up a development kit. NB: This implementation of FDC/EDC is raw friendly because the encoded files have no requirement of reading a reference byte since they always start with zero like ADPCM2/3. If using "eaudio.device" I found it necessary to switch it off before using PLAY:. I did some testing on the AmigaForever 2013 68k AROS and found it necessary to BYO the "execute" command. With "r" you may use the "mk_tst" script with a GUI by ensuring the file protection S bit is enabled and typing the following:- r aud_tst/mk_tst OS1.x notes:- If it is your first time using the "mk_tst" script the "install" switch can be used. Alternatively if installation is not convenient then the "RES" switch can be used. Some CSH users might appreciate the CSH switch. If you wish to test below "WB1.3" the "PRE" switch will activate prehistoric mode. There is not much that I have that works below "WB1.2". URL's of releated interest:-