Short: Play & Convert MPEG Audio to IFF-SV Author: (Lorence Lombardo) Uploader: (Lorence Lombardo) Type: mus/edit Version: 2.0 Requires: mpega.library Architecture: m68k-amigaos mp3toSV v2.0 (C) 2008-2017 Lorence Lombardo. mp3toSV converts MPEG Audio to IFF-SV format. Usage:- mp3toSV [output_file] [mode] [fre_div] [F] modes:- 16 = DeCompress to 16SV (default) 8 = DeCompress to 8SVX 82 = ReCompress to 8SVX-ADPCM2 83 = ReCompress to 8SVX-ADPCM3 8F = ReCompress to 8SVX-FDC 8E = ReCompress to 8SVX-EDC 2 = ReCompress to ADPCM2 (mono) 3 = ReCompress to ADPCM3 (mono) P = Priority value when [output_file] is !AUD (default=5) Other options:- fre_div = frequency divide, can be 1, 2 or 4 (default=1) The letter F forces mono. eg. mp3toSV Noonan.mp3 Noonan_c2.8svx 82 Provide no [output_file] for stereo playback via the AUD: device. Use !AUD for the [output_file] to play & access the optional parameters. Use !AUDNA for the [output_file] to play with no `asyncio.library'. Use !AUDMON & !AUDNAMON for the [output_file] to play with 1 channel only. For more information about the AUD: device see the following URL:- If available the "asyncio.library" will be utilized during play. For more information about this lib see the following URL:- There is a much lower priority demand with the use of this lib. Use !AUDNA for the [output_file] to play with no `asyncio.library' and a default priority of 20. Limitations:- mp3toSV relies heavily on the information provided by the "mpega.library" to be correct. Should the information be incorrect due to a corrupt mp3 then the output file will also be incorrect. For a slightly more robust operation see "mp3_dec" at the following URL:- However mp3toSV's operation can be improved because if the playOGG enhanced build of "malint" is found to be in the same path then that will be utilized. web page:-