Short: determine file pack status Author: (Lorence Lombardo) Uploader: (Lorence Lombardo) Type: util/batch Version: 1.0 Architecture: m68k-amigaos pkinf v1.0 (c) 2019 Lorence Lombardo. "pkinf" uses the "xfdmaster.library" or the "unpack.library" or the "xadmaster.library" to determine whether a file is packed or not. Usage:- pkinf [set_name] If a file is not recognised as packed a return code of 5 (warn) is given. By default a recognised packed file will print the pack type. If a [set_name] is provided then the pack type will be set to a local variable. I am currently using "pkinf" in the provided "DM_bgpk_inf" script, which I have configured in "DiskMaster 2.5.30a" as follows:- AddMenu Crunchers, bgpk info2, extern c:execute cc:DM_bgpk_inf %s;read t:bgpk_info.tmp;delete t:bgpk_info.tmp Replace cc: with c: if necessary and add c: if necessary. web page:-