Short: UCL (de)compression Author: Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer, 68k compile by uploader Uploader: (Lorence Lombardo) Type: util/pack Architecture: m68k-amigaos Version: 1.03 The best choice for this I felt was to use clib2. UCL implements a number of algorithms with the following features: - Decompression is simple and *very* fast. - Requires no memory for decompression. - The decompressors can be squeezed into less than 200 bytes of code. - Includes compression levels for generating pre-compressed data which achieve an excellent compression ratio. - Allows you to dial up extra compression at a speed cost in the compressor. The speed of the decompressor is not reduced. - Algorithm is thread safe. - Algorithm is lossless. Tested under a shell stack of 2000000 only. Related URL's:-