Short: zstd (de)compression Author: Yann Collet, 68k compile by uploader Uploader: (Lorence Lombardo) Type: util/pack Architecture: m68k-amigaos Version: 0.6.0 This 68k build date:- Tuesday 12-Mar-24 11:32:56 zstd is a fast lossless compression algorithm. It is based on the LZ77 family, with further FSE & huff0 entropy stages. zstd offers configurable compression speed, with fast modes at > 200 MB/s per core. It also features a very fast decoder, with speed > 500 MB/s per core. zstd command line is generally similar to gzip, but features the following differences : - Original files are preserved - By default, when compressing a single file, zstd displays progress notifications and result summary. Tested under a shell stack of 2000000 only. Related URL's:-