character dolls
base by ritratto di signora. lyrics from the misfits' song 'helena'. you like my 'knife'? yeah. freehand isn't my strongpoint
luna weasley, old fanfic character...base by pixel junkies
base by me. this is seth and ellis, two of my own vampires. or, it's steve and i. depends on how you look at it. <3 i'm really fond of this doll. **new version, different hair and better shading:) clickie<3**
girl anachronism:) inspired by dresden dolls. base by ritratto di signora
base by? i forget.
base by dolleria...i accidentally lost my little chibi lestat bc the files were both named 'lestat'...ah well. i wasnt too fond of it anyway
base by shouri? maybe? goes with an old layout, but i figure it went in characters and such...
base by rageful. for a contest at crystal teardrops. Bellatrix Lestrange : )
base by ritratto di signora; lyrics to atreyu's "bleeding mascara"
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