~o~ The Fellowship of the Ring ~o~
Elrond and Gandalf discuss dire matters.
A recuperaiting Frodo looks out upon Rivendell.
Legolas, Elven Prince of Mirkwood, takes up the cause of the fellowship.
Gimli, chosen to represent the Dwarven people.
Boromir of Gondor joins the fellowship.
Frodo accepts the duty of destroying the One Ring.
Bilbo gives Frodo his Elven sword, "sting".
The fellowship prepares to battle orcs in Balin's Tomb at Moria
Gandalf remains behind to battle the Balrog of Moria.
Aragorn pledges his loyalty to Frodo at Amon Hen.
The fellowship is granted sanctuary by Galadriel, the Elven Queen of Lorien.
Orcs converge upon Amon Hen.
Boromir dies at the hands of Lurtz, a creature created by Saruman.
Saruman joins forces with Sauron.
Frodo and Sam set out on their own to destroy the One Ring.
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