Seeing the Lotus Flower
The lotus flower is an aquatic form of perennial plant, specified as a water pond lily. Based on the colour of its flower, it is divided into two types, the red lotus flower and the pink lotus flower.
This plant can be seen all over Korea and the lenght of the stem is 1 meter. This plant has the floating leaves and the flower blossoms in July and August. After pollination in October, the ovule is ripened to a brown colour containing the seeds.
The seed, leaf and the stem are edible and can also be used in medicine.
The lotus flower represents long life, health, honor and good luck. It also stands for purity, especially in Buddhism, where it has a high value.
It is also a common theme in Buddhism art. This flower grows in a very dirty enviroment, but is always the poisonous influence of the enviroment. Instead, it spreads its beauty, fragrance and vital force of life. Many people love this flower. Its one of my favourites. Historic noble men drew inspiration from it. They sang the message this flower conveyed to mankind. They also relished the beauty of this flower. The lotus flower is also seen in ponds in different parts of Korea and its also the national flower of Egypt. In ancient times it was believed it also has magic powers and was sacrified to the gods to please them. This is just a little Information on the lotus flower.
The red lotus flower
The pink lotus flower
My guardian lotusflower
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