Vincent blow for Kiwis
[BBC Sport Online]
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New Zealand opener Lou Vincent could miss the forthcoming Sharjah Cup after being injured during the third Test against England.
Vincent was hit in the chest by a short ball from England paceman Andy Caddick on the first day of the game in Auckland.

Tests have revealed that he has a bruise on his left lung.

Vincent did not field during England's first innings at Eden Park and did not bat until New Zealand were seven down in their second innings, using skipper Stephen Fleming as a runner.

His injury has added to New Zealand's worries not only for Sharjah Cup, but also for the side's Pakistan tour later this month.

Chris Cairns, Dion Nash, Shane Bond and Shayne O'Connor are all missing from the squad, and spin bowler Daniel Vettori is suffering from a back problem.

Simon Wilson, New Zealand Cricket media liaison officer, said the bruise was picked up on X-rays and Vincent would be re-examined on Thursday.

"That's when a call will be made on Lou's availability for Sharjah," Wilson said.

Vincent underwent a heart operation just five days before the start of the current series.

He has suffered from a condition which causes his heartbeat to race since the age of 16


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